Sunburnt Country (26"x46") |
Yes, I have been silent for quite a while now, too caught up in my studio to communicate.
It all started when I tackled the
Fiberactions challenge for January: work in a color set that is outside your comfort zone. The pink/mauve set was so outside my zone that I was very uncomfortable and immediately dove into "my" colors. My last post about "They Rode the Sparks to Heaven" was the result.
As I was making it, I naturally created a narrative...as I always do...and it occurred to me that places have particular colors in one's memory. Think about Ghana, the Caribbean, the Timor Straits. All relatively close in latitude. But when one thinks of them, the colors are different. The color saturation is different. The angle of light seems different.
That led me to a theme:
The Color of Place. The next pieces are part of what I can only think of as an
Ode to Australia. I've posted four of the same ilk...two others are slightly different and will follow at another time.
The detail pics show the topographical ridges that I hoped would add to the feeling of land. Over the course of making these four, I learned how to control the amount of fullness in the piecing, which I stuffed with polyfill for dimension. It was interesting (and probably pretty useless beyond this application).
Desert Skies (29"x55") |
Desert Rains (28"x49") |
Sunburnt Country detail |
Top End Archipelago detail |
Top End Archipelago(26"x57") |
This theme has launched me into thinking about so many places. Where to go next? Maybe Japan. Hmmm.
I hope this makes sense to others...I hope it's not so idiosyncratic that no one "gets" it. Not that everything I do needs to be understood by others.... I'd be interested in your thoughts though.