Since returning from Australia in April I have not had productive studio time in large part because I can't work when I have my mind cluttered and preoccupied with responsibilities. Today after all the hosting and guesting jobs were completed I got to spend the entire day in the wonderful solitude of my studio...it was a good day.
This piece was inspired by a piece of hand dyed linen that I purchased from
(thank you!) and supported by some shibori from Sunny Bunny and another hand dye from an un-remembered source.
This may be the first of a series. Stony Creek Salt Marsh/Summer is roughly 20x30 inches.
It's my plan to submit it, along with Thimble Islands which I completed and posted on June 14th, for exhibit at Willoughby Wallace Library in nearby Stony Creek. The library has wonderful gallery space that is enthusiastically and generously supported by the community. It's always a treat to see their monthly exhibitions.
Hmmm...should the whole thing be flipped? Whatcha think?