The challenge was posed by Lisa-Marie: 9=Nein=NO. (This year all of the challenges are about '9' and Lisa-Marie's was about 'NO. You might enjoy reading her actual challenge.)
Here is my response.
Perhaps it's the contrarian side of me, but I couldn't help myself. "NO" just naturally means "YES".
I recall that we were cautioned as teenagers, learning Japanese while living in Japan, that "Iei" (No) was impolite to say in business and formal situations. I don't think it's as much of a taboo now, except in retail/business exchanges when it is still very impolite, but long ago and in a rural area it was stressed.
That suited me fine! I tried to co-op the etiquette and extend it to American-English situations as well.
It is very interesting…and sometimes requires adroit mental gymnastics, to communicate 'no' without using the word. Prime training for diplomacy that was required years later when I became a parent and, later still, during my career as a real estate broker.
Now, older, wiser and much more experienced, I see real value in not saying 'no'. For instance, I try dyeing, or a new technique, or a new idea without success. Perfect time for a 'yes!' That situation simply set up a new dynamic….time to try something different.
I hope to build on negatives with a big, old, hearty, fist-pumping YES.
You really MUST read the other responses! Besides the art work is GORGEOUS!
It Would Be Impolite to Say No (27"x27")