
Monday, July 16, 2012

Heading West

Heading West (24" x 40") is a result of having been reminded by my Fiberaction's challenge piece, Prickly Secrets, that I really enjoy piecing and combining machine with hand stitching.

Both were created in response to a conversation I had with my friend Kate Themel a couple weeks ago.  We were commiserating with each other about our disappointment with what we had produced for challenges in general.  She said that from now on she was treating them all as just a theme...not doing the dutiful check list from her school homework days...but generalizing, making sure her response was really part of her own body of work.

Like most really good ideas, this is really simple.  I felt I should have thought of it was that good an idea.

Prickly Secrets (posted yesterday) allowed me to piece... to use colors that I related to personally...and to incorporate zippers.  ( Aside:  I have been thinking about a series using zippers and pockets as symbols for secrets and secret keeping.  Except for, oh, say, birthday gifts or surprise parties, I think secrets are destructive and should be avoided.)

This piece does not have zippers...the zipper piece is still on the design wall...but Heading West does include fabric from Mickey Lawler.  I love her it and hoard it.  So, it's a thrill to have actually used parts of two or three yard-sized pieces.  I cut enough to enjoy seeing it included...AND...I still have plenty to contemplate for future use.  Win/Win

1 comment:

  1. I love it! It's fun to look down into the foreground but come back out to roam up and over the sun and continue to the upper mountains... so much movement! Your designs are fantastic!
